In the interest of getting things done quickly I decided to rig up a saw so I could rip boards at home.
Sometime, long in the past, my mother bought a circular saw. It's been in the box for 10 years. At least. when I pulled it out, the sled was rusty, but the blade still had wax on the blade tips! This new "old" saw, and my workmate came together to make a table saw.
So, in the interest of safety, I used a power strip as a remote on/off switch. The 1"square tubing made for a really nice rip fence.
Remember my warning about dust? I did something about it. I bought a $40 dust mask. Combine that with a hat, and a $9 JT flex 7 clone...
Instant safety! I wouldn't use those goggles on the paintball field. But they're just fine for dust and shop type flingables protection.
I made 15 - 1.5"x1" wide boards. Most of them were 7' and a three were 8'. The 8' ones are destined to be a doorframe.
Next post, is a door, and trimming the walls to the proper size.
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